25 February 2008

Saying Good Bye

ugh, I feel like this is a really sad post that I just NEED to do. Yesterday when my mom and dad left here to return to Arkansas they took our dog with them. Why? Well, we really feel like it is time to make the hard decision to put Snoopy down and I really wanted him burried on the farm with my childhood pets, so my mom and dad promised to take care of it for me. Yesterday I did not feel like an adult, I felt once again like a helpless child! I thought it would be Kirstyn crying when they left but instead it was me! I thought I was ready...but the truth is, I have lived with Snoopy longer than I have lived with my husband! David took me to the pound and we adopted Snoopy almost 10 years ago when we were dating. When I had my miscarriage, Snoopy spent a week laying in bed beside me being very patient and loving. He has a very quirky personality that many people found hard to love (much like me!), but he is very loyal and recently has been a great friend to Kirstyn. They love to go outside to play bubbles. I will post a video later of them playing bubbles that I took this week. I so wish I would taken a video of this funny interaction between them last summer when he was still feeling well and more active. This picture of Kirstyn giving Snoopy a hug good-bye really shows how we were all feeling! I was taking the picture and I am shocked it turned out okay because I had tears running down my face!


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh how hard the decision is to put a beloved pet down.

I had to say goodbye to my dog Max when I was 8 months pregnant. I am still sad that my boys never got to meet him. He was a special guy, big as a small pony but wouldn't hurt a fly.

Big hugs!

Unknown said...

Oh my, this is a hard one to read, the pets are definitely like family.

I had dogs growing up and I cried SO hard when our Beagle died when I was 16.

We adopted another dog that summer and my mother still has him, but she may have to make this decision with him soon too.

Our hearts go out to you all...

Rebeka said...

Oh my goodness, so sad! That is such a sweet picture of Kirstyn and Snoopy.

Kat said...

Aww. I'm so sorry. :(

Ash said...

Aww - hard anniversary. I don't blame you for sending him with your parents. I'm so sorry for your loss. But such joyful memories!!


(visiting thanks to Elaine)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Cool! I was reading you last year at this time!

This post makes me sad still. And I didn't remember about the miscarriage, I am so sorry you went through that but so glad Snoopy was there for you :)

A year goes by so quick doesn't it?

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, how sad.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, how sad.