22 February 2008

Happy Anniversary Dee Dee and Pappy!

Well, today is my mom and dad's 33rd Anniversary. They drove in from Arkansas to see us tonight and Kirstyn was ready and waiting with an Anniversary cake. She was so cute trying to understand what an anniversary is. She finally concluded that it is their "wedding birthday" and I told her she was exactly right!


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Hi Natalie! Great of you to stop by. First of all, I have to say that you and your Mom look so much alike - very cool :-)

Happy Anniversary to you parents, 33 years is a great accomplishment in today's day and age!

Khlopchyk means boys in Polish - My family comes from over there - ie my grandparents. I like that it started with K too :-)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to your parents! There marriage is just a little "older" than me! LOL!

Kirstyn cracks me up!