Apparently, Thursday Thirteen is a very popular MEME on the internet. I had to look up the word meme. Pronounced meem, "A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another."
This is my first Thursday Thirteen Post and I am going to tell you thirteen things about myself and my family using the first thirteen letters of the alphabet. Stay tuned next week for the last thirteen.
A - Ann and Andy. I loved Raggedy Ann and Andy stories as a child and when I fo
und out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to do a nursery with this theme. Kirstyn loves her room and she has the best ever mural that one of our friends painted for her (thanks again Jeremy!).
B - Bye Bye Boppy and Bouncy! Well, Kirstyn and James are going to be our only children and I have just weined James so thus the bye bye boppy and well, James is almost nine months old and is crawling and pulling up so he is way too big for a bouncy seat. I recently moved both items to our garage sale pile.
C - Core or Flex...always the question. Well, anyone that is doing or has done Weight Watchers knows that when you step on the scale each week, the lady asks you "Core or Flex". I joined WW for the first time in Feb 06 and lost 30 lbs before I got pregnant with James and now I am back at WW trying hard once again.
D - David is a fabulous Daddy. I could not have asked for a better husband or daddy for my children. David helps around the house and is great with our kids. He gives Kirstyn (and now James) a bath every night and then puts Kirstyn to bed. He is also very patient and loving and is our house's Spiritual Rock.
E - Eggs. When Kirstyn turned up with an egg allergy when she was just over a year old, I had to educate myself and learn to read labels. We have been very dilligent in avoiding eggs and now she tests as "egg sensitive" rather than "egg allergic"...I consider this an accomplishment. We still avoid them as much as possible in hopes that the egg sensitivity will, too, become a thing of the past.
F - Farm. I was raised on a 300 acre cattle farm just north of De Queen, Arkansas. I had a very adventurous childhood of catching crawfish in the creek, driving the tractor, picnicing in the hay fields under the shade trees, bottle feeding baby calves, shelling peas and more!
G - Gardening. Well, I don't really love gardening but I really do enjoy the results. I have found that Kirstyn and I are really good at growing and harvesting okra and asparagus. We are still working at some of the other vegetables. I have higher hopes for this year. Last year I was very pregnant during the "planting" season and we didn't get much done. I just wish my outdoor allergies didn't bother me soooooo much! I am thankful for my Astilin.
H - Hair! Dog Hair, Cat Hair, Fixing Hair.... We have a white dog and a white cat...need I say more! As I write this though, I am sad. Our dog Snoopy is not doing well. He is getting old and has cancer. We are going to have to make some hard decisions in the next few weeks.
I - Illness. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in July 05. It took what seemed like forever to get my symptoms under control with medications but now I am feeling great. I am currently not taking any of my meds. I stopped taking them so that I could nurse James and I haven't "needed" them since. Please pray that this continues to be the case!
J - James Norley. Born on 24 May 07. He is named James after his daddy, James David and Norley after my dad, Norley Frank III. I was supposed to be Norley Frank IV but I was a girl. My PawPaw would have loved to know that I named my son after all of them.
K - Kirstyn Adele. Born on 11 November 03. Kirstyn's first name is one we picked out of the baby books because we both liked it and it means "Annointed". Adell is my grandmother's middle name and my little sister Neida Adele was named after her. So, Kirstyn was named after her great grandmother and her favorite Aunt!
L - LABC - Lake Arlington Baptist Church is where we attend church as a famil
y. David and I met at LABC in 1998 and we have a lot of time and energy invested in this wonderful church.
M - Mommy. The title I always knew I wanted...I just never realized how hard it would be or how rewarding! It makes me sad that one day, much too soon, I won't get to be a part of the MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, group that I have come to love so much because my little ones are growing up so fast!
Like I said, be back next Thursday for the fascinating conclusion to Natalie's Alphabet of Information!
This is my first Thursday Thirteen Post and I am going to tell you thirteen things about myself and my family using the first thirteen letters of the alphabet. Stay tuned next week for the last thirteen.
A - Ann and Andy. I loved Raggedy Ann and Andy stories as a child and when I fo
B - Bye Bye Boppy and Bouncy! Well, Kirstyn and James are going to be our only children and I have just weined James so thus the bye bye boppy and well, James is almost nine months old and is crawling and pulling up so he is way too big for a bouncy seat. I recently moved both items to our garage sale pile.
C - Core or Flex...always the question. Well, anyone that is doing or has done Weight Watchers knows that when you step on the scale each week, the lady asks you "Core or Flex". I joined WW for the first time in Feb 06 and lost 30 lbs before I got pregnant with James and now I am back at WW trying hard once again.
D - David is a fabulous Daddy. I could not have asked for a better husband or daddy for my children. David helps around the house and is great with our kids. He gives Kirstyn (and now James) a bath every night and then puts Kirstyn to bed. He is also very patient and loving and is our house's Spiritual Rock.
E - Eggs. When Kirstyn turned up with an egg allergy when she was just over a year old, I had to educate myself and learn to read labels. We have been very dilligent in avoiding eggs and now she tests as "egg sensitive" rather than "egg allergic"...I consider this an accomplishment. We still avoid them as much as possible in hopes that the egg sensitivity will, too, become a thing of the past.
F - Farm. I was raised on a 300 acre cattle farm just north of De Queen, Arkansas. I had a very adventurous childhood of catching crawfish in the creek, driving the tractor, picnicing in the hay fields under the shade trees, bottle feeding baby calves, shelling peas and more!
G - Gardening. Well, I don't really love gardening but I really do enjoy the results. I have found that Kirstyn and I are really good at growing and harvesting okra and asparagus. We are still working at some of the other vegetables. I have higher hopes for this year. Last year I was very pregnant during the "planting" season and we didn't get much done. I just wish my outdoor allergies didn't bother me soooooo much! I am thankful for my Astilin.
H - Hair! Dog Hair, Cat Hair, Fixing Hair.... We have a white dog and a white cat...need I say more! As I write this though, I am sad. Our dog Snoopy is not doing well. He is getting old and has cancer. We are going to have to make some hard decisions in the next few weeks.
I - Illness. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in July 05. It took what seemed like forever to get my symptoms under control with medications but now I am feeling great. I am currently not taking any of my meds. I stopped taking them so that I could nurse James and I haven't "needed" them since. Please pray that this continues to be the case!
J - James Norley. Born on 24 May 07. He is named James after his daddy, James David and Norley after my dad, Norley Frank III. I was supposed to be Norley Frank IV but I was a girl. My PawPaw would have loved to know that I named my son after all of them.
K - Kirstyn Adele. Born on 11 November 03. Kirstyn's first name is one we picked out of the baby books because we both liked it and it means "Annointed". Adell is my grandmother's middle name and my little sister Neida Adele was named after her. So, Kirstyn was named after her great grandmother and her favorite Aunt!
L - LABC - Lake Arlington Baptist Church is where we attend church as a famil
M - Mommy. The title I always knew I wanted...I just never realized how hard it would be or how rewarding! It makes me sad that one day, much too soon, I won't get to be a part of the MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, group that I have come to love so much because my little ones are growing up so fast!
Like I said, be back next Thursday for the fascinating conclusion to Natalie's Alphabet of Information!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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welcome to thurs 13
I have my first one up too
Hey, I was pronouncing meme wrong! :-)
Great list. I can't imagine growing up on a farm. My husband always tells me to never admit I have never touched a cow. And he should never admit how many he tipped. ;-)
Great idea for a list. I may try it myself.
And welcome to TT!
Welcome to the family!!! Hope to see you again next TT!!
What a great list!
Welcome to TT! This is only my second week, but it's really fun so far!
I'm on WW too, best of luck to you!
Great post - very creative (and informative)
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. We lived in Denton, TX for a few years. Even bought our first pug, Pearl, there!
Welcome to TT13! I'm in my second week and I'm enjoying it, many interesting posts out there to read.
Interesting list. It's always nice to find out about one's fellow bloggers. Welcome to TT!
Welcome to the TT!
Thursday Thirteen is a lot of fun. I'm glad you're doing it. I've only participate two or three times but it will, most likely, be a regular for me.
What a fantastic idea, doing the alphabet thing. Neato!
13 Blogs I Like To Read
Welcome, and wishing you a happy Thursday!
Good list girl! Can't wait to see what the rest of the alphabet holds! ; )
So sorry to hear about Snoopy... My sister and her family just had to make similar choices with their dog, Candy... Candy's now pain-free in heaven, so if Snoopy has to go I know he'll have a great friend awaiting him :)
What a great idea for a TT! Well done!
Thank you so much for stopping at my blog. I really appreciate your comment. It is so nice to "meet" you!
Fabulous list, I especially loved the notes about how you named your kiddos. Every child's name tells a story :-)
That's neat to hear that you and your husband met at church. My husband and I did, too - about 20 years ago. And it was a real coincidence that we were going there at the same time. I was trying to find another church, and he had just started this one.
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