18 June 2005

What a BIG GIRL!

What a big girl! We have been telling Kirstyn all week that if she would TT in the potty we would take her to ride the choo choo. We were getting close too because we are going to the FW Zoo on Monday with Logan, Aunt Neida and Uncle Paul and we are planning to ride the zoo train. She sat on the potty for almost 10 min with us all singing songs and nothing was happening....she got up to walk away and finally relaxed enough that it started so we put her on the potty and she looked almost scared that something was coming out of her! Then she got very excited and started pointing at the toilet paper so David gave her a piece and she knew just what to do as she has been insisting on going to the bathroom with all of us for a couple of months now. :-) Then she realized what she had done and started clapping and saying choo choo....too smart, we didn't even remind her! What a proud moment for David and I! Well, I guess I will be putting Choo Choo ride pictures on here after Monday's trip to the Zoo!

I am trying to learn how to make a collage on here....she is getting too big too fast! What a big girl on the potty! Posted by Hello

Bye Bye.....She loved getting to flush! We haven't let her do that because we have been telling her she had to go in order to get to flush! Posted by Hello

Good Girl! She couldn't wait to use the toilet paper all by herself! Posted by Hello

Kirstyn went TT in the potty!!!!!!!!!!!  Posted by Hello

What a Week!

Wow, what a week we had at LABC for 2005 VBS! I feel so blessed to have been a part of it all. I taught in one of the 4th grade classrooms and we had around 20 kids each day. On Thursday we had 6 of the kids ask Jesus into their hearts!!! What a great day! David George (our pastor) said that btw 30 and 35 3rd and 4th graders were saved on Thursday. We will get more stats on attendance and decisions tomorrow at our VBS church service. Praise God for all of the lives that were changed!

Kirstyn dressed up according to the "theme" each day and looked the part very well! She had a good time and it was very good for her. By the end of the week she was much more comfortable with her classroom (which is also her Sunday School Classroom) so this should help on Sunday mornings with the separation anxiety! She really enjoyed the special snacks each day. For Monday I had to make and send egg free sugar cookies for her so she could have cookies with everyone else and she loved them. I used 1/2 cup of applesauce instead of an egg and it worked great and tasted great! Anyway, her teachers were great and were very careful about her allergy which made me feel much better!

Friday's snack was Popsicles and Kirstyn's teachers were feeling brave!!! Posted by Hello

Kirstyn was so tired by day 5 of VBS but she was very excited to be wearing a shirt just like Mommy's! In the background is the RV that we put up in the 4th grade class where I was teaching. Posted by Hello

Last Day of VBS! We went to Knotts Berry Farm in California. We talked about obeying and the many choices we have to make. We wore our VBS T-Shirts. Posted by Hello

Fourth Day of VBS! We wore our hiking clothes because we went to Yellowstone on our Ramblin' Road Trip! This was destination Belief...Believing that Jesus is REAL! Posted by Hello

Third Day of VBS! We went to Lebanon, KS, the exact center of the US. We spent the day learning about how Jesus wants to be the center of our lives. Posted by Hello

Second Day of VBS! The theme was baseball and we went to Chicago on our Ramblin' Road Trip. She looked too cute in her Razorback outfit that Dee Dee got her! Posted by Hello

13 June 2005

First Day of VBS! Kirstyn and Kaylee Simmons. The theme for the day was "Follow the Star (Matt 2:2)" On our Modern Day Road Trip, we went to Washington DC, they wore Red, White, and Blue, and they got star sunglasses. Posted by Hello

Daddy is HOME! She is holding her MEOW that Daddy brought her that says California on his tummy. Posted by Hello

Miss Priss decided that she likes to wear baseball caps... Posted by Hello

Playing Bubbles with Aunt Neida "Ann Knee" Posted by Hello

Kirstyn crashed on Dee Dee's couch for a nap! I love that she is wearing Pappy's socks. When she woke up that morning, she talked Pappy into letting her wear his socks; he had to go get another pair for himself! She kept saying "shus Pappy, my shus" (Shoes are 'shus', socks are 'shus', and feet are 'shus' at our house right now!) Too cute! Posted by Hello

Kirstyn got to ride the tractor with Pappy for the first time! Posted by Hello

Back to Normal!

Well, David got home from California on Friday night late! Kirstyn didn't get to see him until Saturday morning early. She was hugging him so tight that it looked like she was going to choke him! They spent all day on Saturday together. I had to go to the church to decorate for VBS so that got some much needed Daddy-Punkin' time!

I am going to post a few pictures from our week. Kirstyn and I had a good time in DQ with Pappy and Dee Dee. We even got to see Aunt Neida ("Ann Knee") and Uncle Paul ("Pa Pa"). It was really funny to hear her calling Paul, Pa Pa....we all kept asking him if it made him feel old to have a grandpa name! :-)

Kirstyn got to help Pappy feed PaPaw's catfish in the pond every morning and I got some free time to shower alone! (every mom of a toddler can relate!) Kirstyn also got to drive the tractor and cut hay, and she helped Pappy check on his "MOOOOOs". She also enjoyed helping Dee Dee feed her MEOW-MEOW!

03 June 2005

Logan, Kirstyn, and David would all count 1 - 2 - 3 - JUMP...Kirstyn had a blast watching Logan and Daddy jump and she would do what looks like run in place and would be sooooo proud of herself! She will get this jumping down in no time! Posted by Hello

Kirstyn and cousin Logan ("LO LO") Posted by Hello

Off to California...

Well, I am leaving for California in a couple of days (Sunday to be exact). I am not looking forward to the time away from my family (especially my daughter). My daughter is a daddy's girl, and every morning, I wake up to "Daaaddyyy, Daaaddyyy". It is really sweet. And she hasn't woken up with me not there - for 6 straight nights!

Farmers is sending me out to CA for a week to learn how to better market my insurance products, and how to run my own agency. That part is going to be interesting, yet at the same time, I already have an idea since my parents have had an agency for 18+ years. Anyway, it is a requirement to go and I will definitely make the most of it.

Now for my business plug (since this is my page and all...):

David Dickey, agent/registered representative
Farmers Insurance and Financial Solutions
Helping you achieve your dreams while saving you from your nightmares

I offer personalized, caring service, to go along with my insurance (auto, home, life, business, recreation, etc.) and investment (variable annuities, variable life, and mutual funds) products . I would love to compete for your business (if you live in Texas).

Anyway, please pray that my trip would go by quickly and that I would return safely. And that I would learn a lot...

Kirstyn "jumping" - she just started learning how to jump, and can't quite make it off the floor yet, but it won't be long... Posted by Hello

Bella and Kirstyn again! The two love to play with each other, and typically when one has to leave, there are lots of tears! Posted by Hello

Granny Rene ("Annie-een"), Kirstyn, and PaPaw swingin' around outside of their house in De Queen, AR. Posted by Hello

Best Friends -- Bella and Kirstyn Posted by Hello

Kirstyn had a great time at Lifefest! She loved her "ba-oon DAWG"! Posted by Hello

First Trip to the Zoo

Kirstyn's first trip to the zoo! We had a great time with our friends Matt, Barbara (Braiden on Board), and Bella! Posted by Hello

Our little sales specialist! We took this picture to use in an advertisement for a booth we did at our church's 'lifefest'. Check out our new Lifestyle Center at the link on our Blog! Posted by Hello