24 February 2009

Wheeee .. Wheeee .. Wheeee

We have been enjoying the pretty weather around here.

Kirstyn has been being very good about letting James play with her, especially when they are playing outside.

James loves to swing with her. He screams "wheeeeee" over and over! I love it!

Tomorrow we are going to pick out what seeds we will be starting inside to plant in our garden next month. For sure there will be okra and tomatoes. What else should we plant?

Now, feel free to go visit more Wordless Wednesday and Wordful Wednesday!



CoolBabyKid said...

Thanks for stopping by Ask Baby Kid. Good luck on sponsorship!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

How fun! I have trouble with this whole spring in Feb thing...we got a foot of snow today. No spring for us.

And for the garden, you have to plant carrots. And peas. Mmmm, those are two of my favourite fresh from the garden things. I should send you cucumber seeds too...Jay's family brought them over from Russia, can't buy them. Best cukes you will eat! I'll mail you some seeds :)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Wait! Do you guys even like cukes? I better ask that first!

Gretchen said...

This year I am going to try tomatoes in pots hung from up high. I want to see if they will actually work.

jubilee said...

Cute pic! So lucky you have nice days in February. I tried growing red peppers once. They sprouted and that was it. Ah well. Hope you have better luck. Happy WW to you!

Lorie said...

I'm looking forward to nicer weather. It's suppose to be in the 50's today. We just missed 2 days of school because of snow. So, my kids are dying to get back outside!

tiarastantrums said...

outside- with no coats?? Not fair!

Unknown said...

It's -23 F this morning! I could tell it was cold when I looked out the window this morning because the smoke coming out of the chimneys isn't rising very fast...it's just hovering over the roofs and everything looks kind of crisp. And your kids are in T-SHIRTS!!!!! But I'm not jealous...honest. Okay, maybe a bit.

Christina said...

I'm planning to do tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and watermlon. Wish me luck, since I have NEVER yet been successful!

Claremont First Ward said...

I used to LOVE swings like that!

Unknown said...

LUCKY!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Is it that warm there? You're so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Hasn't the weather been fabulous? I have ventured outside yet today... need to get moving. Good luck with your indoor garden!

nicole said...

Hi! You won the Cheerios giveaway! Send me your address and you'll get your prize. And I'll meet you in person on Saturday! Woo!