Saturday we had a quiet day at home. Just the way we like it. I will tell you more about our Valentines traditions later, but for now I want to tell you about the movies we saw this weekend.
For our Valentines date in we watched Fireproof together. What a great movie. Cheesy acting, but really great movie. I am so glad that we watched this movie together. It is a great reminder of the need to be more deliberate in our relationships. Something we have already been working on this year but have now been even more love each other with purpose. If you have not seen this movie yet, I recommend it!
Then on Sunday we got to have our date night out. We are in a babysitting co-op with our neighbors that have two kids very close in age to our two. Parker and Peyton

For our night out, we decided to enjoy the traditional movie and dinner date. The movie we chose to see was Taken on the recommendation of my friend Kim. I expected it to be somewhat predictable but it was more of an on the edge of your seat kind of movie. The best part is that it is rated PG13 so it kept me on the edge of my seat without screaming too many words at me that I would rather not hear! I would recommend this movie too!
Now, I also have to say that after seeing the preview for 12 Rounds at the theater tonight, I am looking forward to its release this spring. Maybe we will be able to work out our babysitting co-op so that we can go see it too.
So, tell me, have you seen any good (non-animated) movies lately? Is there something we should take the time to go see or to rent?

I can't wait to see Fireproof! I bought it and also the love dar book, but I have to wait til hubby is home on R & R to start reading or watch the movie, I want to watch it with him!
I saw Fireproof in the theatre, loved it.
The only other movie I've seen in theatre was Gran Torino, and holy moly the language...
I did see A Cinderella Story on tv this weekend...does that count?
A baby sitting co-op? That sounds wonderful. We rarely, if ever, get a night without the kiddo.
I want to see Fireproof too, I think, is that the one with Kirk Cameron?
We saw Hotel for Dogs in Hawaii, with the kids...okay but NOT a date night choice. I want to see He's not that into you and Confessions of a Shopaholic. Nothing deep...just light and fluffy :)
We really liked Fireproof too. The message is important enough to overlook the cheesy acting.
We recently saw Gran Torino, and it was excellent. But the language was very crude, as another commenter indicated. But the movie is so good, and the language actually is a part of it in a lot of ways. I was very glad we saw it.
I really want to see Taken. Our anniversary is today, but we haven't had a chance to celebrate. Maybe we'll see that when we get to go out.
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