23 December 2008

Towel Snowman

After spending a little while looking around via google, I came up with the perfect little gift for my WW leader and my group fitness leaders at the gym! I didn't really want to make them fudge to say thank you for helping me lose weight!

So, what do you think of my little towel snowman? The bottom layer is a bath towel with body wash and lotion hidden inside. The middle layer is a hand towel and washcloth with a loofah hidden inside. The head of my snowman contains a bottle of water and a snack size bag of candy!

I wanted to do something for these special people because they have done so much for me this year during my weight loss journey. I take lots of classes at the gym but I basically use the same three instructors all of the time. They have pushed me harder than I thought I could be pushed. They have encouraged me to come back the next day. And most importantly, they have taught me how to *gasp* enjoy exercise!

Oh and if you haven't read my last post then you don't know that I met my 20 lbs in 20 weeks weight loss goal for a grand total of 72.6 lost so far! My 30th birthday is Thursday, so will you please give me some Comment Love!

Thanks for stopping by my blog...please come back!

This post definitely qualifies for Wordful Wednesday!



Elyse said...

Cool snowmen...GREAT/SUPER/AWESOME job on the weight loss. You go girl! Merry Christmas!!!

Christina said...

So stinkin' cute! I know where to come for some crafty genius....

Amanda in GA said...

Just over from SITS.

First Happy Birthday early
Second CONGRATS! on the weight loss!! Way to go. You look great in your little black dress hope you had fun with your "older man".

I will be back to read how you did it.

Also love the snowmen what a great idea. I will have to put that in my file.

Hope you have a wonderful Birthday and Christmas.

Jenni said...

I love the snowmen and WOW! Good for you on the weight loss!

Merry Christmas AND Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

That is really cute! What a great gift idea. Congrats on your weight loss! What an accomplishment. Hope you have a great birthday!

tiarastantrums said...

very neat idea!!

Tracy said...

Too Cute...I might copy next year for Trini's kindergarten (boo hoo) teacher.

Kate in Austin said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I think of you often and how great you have done and how I need to get on the bandwagon. I missed last weeks WW mtg...gotta go this week.
Happy 30th birthday as well!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

What a fantastic idea, and the snowman, well you knew I'd like that!

And I forgot to reply to you but no, my snowman doesn't sing Ice, Ice baby ;-) it does Jingle bell rocks and it shakes a leg pretty good too. LOVE it!