I am off to a good start because WW launched their new Momentum Plan today and learning the new plan should help me to stay really focused. I love it because it is really the best of both worlds when it comes to the old Flex and Core plans all in one! I also like that it makes me use my 35 weekly points before I use any of my activity points. That will keep me from trying to "justify" eating something even when I am not that hungry just because I worked out extra hard. Do you ever do that? Anyway, it can't hurt to be excited about learning something new and hopefully will be just the kick in the butt I need to get me through Christmas and *gasp* my 30th Birthday!
Okay, now I have another question for you my faithful reader. Tell me, do you drink hot tea? See, I am a good southerner and I drink all of my tea iced but it is cooling off today (yesterday it got up to 70F but is supposed to be down below freezing by tonight) and I decided it would be a better choice to try some hot green tea rather than drinking a cup of diet hot chocolate. So, I'm thinking of adding some teas to my Santa list...does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Natalie! I am so happy for you, you are meeting your goals left, right and center. That is so wonderful.
I, being from the freaking Arctic, drink most of my tea hot. Because well, of the icicles on my nose...green tea - decaf for me - is really good plain. I recently switched from regular tea where I like to add copious amounts of sugar (my body doesn't like artificial sweeteners) and milk.
So I recommend hot tea to you, for sure.
Oh and yes, I do justify things all the time because I worked out extra hard. I can get away with that to some extent because I am maintaining my weight but it's a slippery slope that I have slid down several times ;-)
EEK! I might be loyal but also? Long winded.
Really it's just because I love you :)
you are doing amazing on your ww journey!
I am really excited to learn about the new program (I go on Wednesdays)...because I could use a little boast and some remotivation.
I like hot tea, but I don't drink it often enough to suggest any certain kinds to you.
Hi Natalie,
I took up drinking green tea when I started WW and I am totally hooked. Check out the Republic of Tea website: http://republicoftea.com/. My favorite flavor is the wild berry plum green tea. Plus, they have great samplers to try a bunch of different flavors. I have seen their tea in several healthy-type grocery stores. Best wishes on your WW journey.
Congratulations Natalie! You are doing awesome! And as for tea - well, I personally am a fan of the green decaf like Kami. But also, if you aren't worried about caffeine - white or green jasmine tea is really good. I drink mine with no sugar now too. It's good to sip on hot tea with no sweeteners and once you get used to it, it is hard to take sugar again (which is a good thing in my book). Sometimes when I miss coffee, I'll have some spiced chai. I hope you like whatever you choose. :)
YAY!! You are almost there!!
I LOVE Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea! It is awesome...but, they don't sell it at the normal grocery store so you have to get it at Central Market (or maybe other whole food stores) or order it on the internet...it's totally worth the search...yummy!
You rock!
I don't know if you'd get it down there, but I love Celestial Seasoning's Candy Cane Lane. It's a peppermint green tea. Yum. Oh, and of course my chocolate teas. :)
You're SO CLOSE! Wow, I'm excited for you - and proud of you! Woohoo.
I've been wanting hot tea lately, too...I think I'll try the green tea like you!
Hi Natalie! Thanks for your comment! Your weight loss is fantastic - well done! You are inspiring me! Keep up the good work :)
Natalie, you are really doing great at achieveing your goals! How wonderful for you. :)
I love hot tea, and part of what has made me enjoy the ritual even more is my new tea kettle. I love how it whistles! I'm a big fan of Celestial Seasonings and have to echo Jaimee's comment. Bengal Spice is the bomb. Leave the tea bag in your cup to steep and it just gets sweeter and spicier. I also have just discovered Yogi tea - ginger flavor is delish! Enjoy!
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