30 December 2008

Almost Too Busy to Tell All

I didn't go weigh in this morning. I know I am probably up but I hope to have it back off by next Tuesday. Although, I am sad... I got a text from a friend in our meeting and our leader is retiring...I hope I "click" with her replacement as well!

I have company and it was a gorgeous day today for a trip to the zoo (70F)! I am so excited. We have our friends Brett and Rebeka and their two boys here staying with us for a few days. We haven't seen them in about 4 years because Brett is in the air force and they have been moving all around. Tomorrow we are having a big get together with lots of old friends. Our friends Jeremy and Ann are also in town with their 3 kids (also all under 5 years old)....they are missionaries in Africa and we haven't seen them in a long time either. Needless to say I am super busy playing hostess and I am on book 3 still of the Twilight Series.

No worries though. Rebeka and I went to the gym last night and plan to go again in the morning and then on New Year's morning there will be a big 2 hour group workout session to kick off the new year right! I may take Friday off to recover before the 5K on Saturday!

Oh and there will be pictures on the blog soon.... promise!



Honey Mommy said...

We went to the zoo yesterday! I am loving the weather here on vacation in Arizona and am not looking forward to going back to the snow.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you! :)

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Happy New Year girl! 2009 is going to be a good year, I can feel it!

Christie O. said...

yes!!! please post pictures!!! good luck to you!!! woohoo to 2009!! way to start off with a bang, sister!!!

Meg said...

You go girl. Please post your time.

Pubsgal said...

Christie O. said you were racing this weekend. Good luck in the 5K!!! Way to start the year!

Jaimee said...

Good for you!!! You deserve a week off after getting to your goal! CONGRATULATIONS!! My new goal is similar to your 20 in 20...my last 18 lbs (it was 16 lbs before Christmas!) by Cole's first b-day on May 13th!

Michelle said...

Hi Natalie:

Are you on WW? Just thought I would ask as I am starting it online next week. We should stay in touch for progress reports!