Well, I am officially registered for my very first 5K run! I can't wait. So, if you are local...get on over to their
website and get registered. I just hope I have a little less to jiggle by then!

What are you going to do to improve your fitness and health in 2009?
There are several of us that are signing up to do this too! We will be the loud walking group. We have LOTS of jiggle! HA! I guess we will see you there!
Oh what a great idea! Around here it would probably be called the "Jiggle Your Icicle Run" because it's so doggone cold right now! *lol*
Linked over from Elaine's place!
I'm impressed! Personally I've got ZERO big plans for my exercise in 2009... Um... maybe I need to think about that!
Great job signing up Natalie. I have started tracking my food again this week and am commiting to some cardio the rest of the year and re-focusing on strength training in the new year (or sooner).
Hmmm...you & Elaine are both doing this? I may have to come join you!!!!
I want to do this with you! Elaine mentioned it one day....too bad I live so far away!
So proud of you girl, you are a fit lady now my friend!
SEEE LOOOK AT YOU....running 5ks and all...you are an INSPIRATION.
If I lived down by you I would TOTALLY join you!
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