03 December 2008

Stress be gone...

About a month ago we had a company come out to do our annual heater service and well, we got some very bad news about our heater. It seems our heat exchanger had/has a crack thus meaning that the pilot light had to be turned off and the entire unit has to be replaced.

I don't know about you but we find it very overwhelming and hard to spend the kind of money that it takes to replace our heating and ac unit. We got our third bid today for the job and will be signing with a company very soon. I just wish that "times" were better. It seems that when the economy gets bad that people stop paying their insurance right after they stop going out to eat. Thus making our income drop...not good when we need between 7 and 8K to keep our kids from turning into popsicles!

It is starting to get cold in Texas tonight so please send warm thoughts our way while we break out the fleece...oh and I have been looking for an excuse to bake something. We might have to have muffins for breakfast in the morning so we can huddle around the warm oven while they cook! I guess if all else fails, the kids and I will just spend more time at the gym (probably a good idea with the baking I want will NEED to do!!!)



Unknown said...

Aww Natalie, that's no fun! I'm sending warm thoughts your way...even if it is freaking cold up here...my heater is working. AND that's a heck of a lot of money for you furnace...worth it, of course, necessary...of course...but painful nontheless.

Juice said...

Oh, it's been cold here too. So sorry about your heating unit! Sending virtual warm wollen socks your way.

Stacy said...

Sorry about the furnace. I hope you can get it fixed soon.

Unknown said...

what a bummer

we had ours go out on year right before thanksgiving...it was darn right cold...and all places to replace were, um, closed for the holidays. ugh.

iheartbowheads.blogspot.com said...

oh no - I was just complaining because the garage door opener broke and the brakes went out in my car in the same day .... sigh

I will think warm thoughts for you!


Christina said...

Oh Natalie! Brrr. I'm cold right now and my heater does work - us Texans have thin blood. Do you have a fireplace? I'm sending warm thoughs and prayers your way!

Unknown said...

I am sorry you are having to deal with that at this time of the year, or any for that matter. We had to replace our entire unit last year just due to age and I know it's expensive. At least y'all can get some extra family sunggles in! : )

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh man Natalie, that is not fun. I hope the next bid is affordable!

Hugs to you!

Cynthia said...

Ugh...totally no fun:( At least you aren't up here...it's really cold!

Honey Mommy said...

That really stinks!

It is so hard to get hit up with expenses that you HAVE to pay... especially this time of year.

Last month I found out that my company may not be able to keep me on next year. It's only a part-time gig, but it helps out a lot. I sure hope I don't have to look for another job. *sigh*

Hope you week gets better.. and warmer!

Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear about your heater! I hope you are able to get it fixed soon before it gets too cold!

KelliD said...

Hey! That little pillow is from Chelsea's. Once we noticed she had a loose tooth, we were on a mission to find something! We didn't have a pillow or anything to put her tooth in. Great to hear from you!