17 April 2008

Under Construction!

Pardon the messiness of my blog. I am working on the html code and as I get a change that I like I am saving changes. I know how to code in C but have never used html so please be patient as I am attempting to learn something new while keeping baby James from destroying the house! :-)


Anonymous said...

I love the header! Of course, I am biased, but that has never kept me from giving my opinion before!

I love you!

@-}-- a rose for my sweetheart

Unknown said...

Wow, you are getting a new look too! Of couse you are doing it yourself. I had to have help. Come check it out when you get a chance!

McCullough Family said...

Love that pic of Kirstyn...and thanks for looking at my blog :) Now I won't feel like a blog stocker when I look at yours :) The Sesame street cupcakes were easy,just took awhile since I had to stop several times in the middle of them. Google Sesame Street cupcakes and tons will cup up to give you ideas. My advice: just buy red icing...don't make it!