19 April 2008

Gardening is FUN!

Okay, so I have a lot of fond memories of gardening on the farm every spring and fall so I attempt every spring to have this same 'fun' with my family. Today we spent the day in the yard working on preparing our soil and planting our garden. We planted okra, tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, cilantro, zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, and green beans. Kirstyn had fun playing with the earth worms we found and she enjoyed putting the first 3 seeds in the ground and covering them up and then she was done. Yep, so much for family fun.... David had the same pained look on his face that said "are we done yet" every time he looked at me...but no...we were having FUN! (Just to be clear...David never said anything negative, he just kept working and pretending to have fun being a little country with me right here in the big city!) I am happy knowing that Kirstyn will start getting excited when the plants start to sprout and she will very happily harvest and eat our beautiful organic foods. She is already excited about the blackberry bushes that are growing like crazy and she is constantly eating raw asparagus out of our asparagus bed. Oh and Kirstyn's favorite part of planting the garden is the watering part. We turned on the sprinkler and she stripped and had a blast playing in the water. James wanted very little to do with the cold water but had a blast watching his sister run around squeeling and splashing! I just hope that we are making fond memories that are at the same time teaching my children a work ethic.....



Stacy said...

Good luck with your garden. My kids each have a flower pot with thing growing in them, but I'm not brave enough to attempt an entire garden with them.

I love the new blog layout. Looks great.

Unknown said...

Your blog is lookin' great girl - fun background!!

Hooray on the gardening! We are doin' good to just to grow some tomatoes this year...

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Love your layout Natalie! And I am so jealous that you planted your garden.

Grrrr for winter that never ends!


Shari said...

Oh, I miss the blackberry bushes. I've never found any growing around here. On the west coast, we could always find blackberries to pick. Glad that your family is having fun gardening. Our garden still has about a foot and a half of snow on it. People around here plant their gardens in the middle of May.

Kellan said...

There is nothing better than home-grown veggies!! I love tomatoes and onions and corn. I love all of it. I'm not much of a gardener, but my FIL always has a good garden and gives us lots of tomatoes and onions and cucumbers. He also has blackberries right now and we are going there this next weekend to pick buckets.

Thanks for coming by Natalie - nice to see you. Hope to see you again soon - take care - Kellan