21 April 2008

Pretty Flowers

I am using this cute picture of James to show off my pretty flowers in the background! The hail storm we had last week only destroyed a few of my irises.... I am thankful too, because this week they are really starting to bloom like crazy! One thing I am proud of is that the irises in my backyard were transplanted from my grandmother's house and they were originally her mother's and my grandpa's mother's. We also have some 'brown' ones that haven't bloomed yet that I transplanted from David's great aunt's house and they were originally her mother's. Pretty cool that I have flowers that are descended from our great grandmothers!



Unknown said...

I'm loving the changes! Looking really great. And love your flowers. Can't hide the fact that I'm just a little bit jealous.

Stacy said...

That's so neat that your flowers are from each of your great grandmothers.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

That is way neat that they have been passed down. We have Christmas catutus plants that came from my great grandma but mine never blooms. I think I must be the black thumb of the family!


Unknown said...

Oh cuties James... And pretty flowers! Wow, that is cool - heirloom flowers - I love that!!

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful! How special too that they came from family.

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