06 March 2008

SNOW in Texas!

Well, on Saturday we were working in the yard wearing shorts and today it snowed! Kirstyn was so excited even though I was disapointed that we didn't get as much snow as they did just 30 minutes north of our house. Here are some pictures of Kirstyn out in it all! She was so funny, she was running around on the deck making "paw prints" and right as I was going to take a picture her feet went out from under her and she found herself looking up at me! I was laughing and taking her picture! Then we went out front to check on the flowers and take a picture of our tiny bit of snow. After we came in and Kirstyn had a nice hot bubble bath, she and I made "Snowmen" Cornbread for dinner. Pretty cute huh! (I have several random cast iron pans like that...yes, Tracy, I know that is why I often find myself with a storage problem...but it is FUN!)


Hootin Anni said...

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww, snow. I'm in the area of Texas that well....doesn't get snow [altho is snowed one Christmas Eve about 3 years ago].

Ya, I'm waiting for tank top weather myself.

Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalie, thanks for stopping by!

Have you been able to get onto

Lisa said...

Hi there, thanks for stopping by! I loved reading your posts! Good luck on the weight loss! Your life sounds a lot like mine right about now :-)

Stacy said...

We are getting snow today. I definitely wouldn't mind passing some your way. I'm so tired of it by now and so ready for spring.

Momisodes said...

Those cornbread snowmen are so cute!!!! I'd gladly send you some of our snow....we're so sick of it here in Boston :(

Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


I haven't seen snow (like Hootin' Anni) since the "S.Tx Christmas Miracle" in '02!

Send it South!

BTW, I found you from 5MFM Blog party. Love yours! Stop by when you have a minute.
