24 June 2008

Tell All Tuesday - Week 11

Just call me FRUSTRATED! I maintained....that means I lost 0, nothing, nada! Ugh! That would be perfectly fine with me some weeks when I have been not behaving myself with my eating or not exercising, but when I have been following the plan AND exercising, then it upsets me! I mean I was so proud of myself this weekend. Kirstyn went to two birthday parties, one on Saturday and one on Sunday and they both served pizza and cake and I did not have a single bite of either one! So, here we go, on to another week of this. I really hope I get some good results next week on the scale to motivate me through our vacation!


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Maintaining is a GOOD thing Natalie. I know it's frustrating when you want to lose but your body is working hard and you have probably built some muscle up. Muscle weighs more...

Keep up the hard work and the amazing diligence....no pizza or cake, now that is willpower to be proud of and next week you will see results.

I promise!


Don't get discouraged, kick frustration's butt by going out and working it!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work... next week you will see results! It is hard and not eating any cake or pizza is very tough for me... you did good... keep working!

Anonymous said...

You did much better than me. I ate the cake and pizza. :( I lost half a pound, BUT I also got way more exercise than normal too. WAY more. I figured even with the junk food, I would lose a good amount of weight, but I only lost a half pound. I was a little upset too. BUT. Like the pp said: maintaining is GOOD! It means you did not gain! And I'm like the pp, I'll wager your loss will be extra good next week! :)

Keep up the good work, Natalie. The slower the process, the longer it sticks!!! :-D

Lindz and Johnny said...

Keep up the good work! Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for the amount of exercise to start showing up on the scale. I have had the same thing happen to me. The good news is that the next week I had almost double results on the scale.

Tracy said...

No worries. You are looking great!

Rebeka said...

You can do it, Natalie! You should be proud of yourself. Maybe there's just a bit of a delayed reaction. You're doing so awesome so far!!

Unknown said...

I'd be frustrated too. Next week you'll have a rockin' loss.

Carey said...

It was great to see you yesterday. Natalie don't get discouraged, you look amazing. I cannot even believe it. You honestly look like a different person I told Jason we might need to check into the whole weight watchers thing. Keep it up, you look great!!!!!

Unknown said...

maintaining is better than gaining...and look at all that self control you are gaining. I am jealous...I still can NOT say no to desert...or pizza....or ANYTHING. I fear I will pay for it on the scale this week too.

SO...maybe your routine is getting old...try a different workout routine or change it up....

Jen said...

I gained because I did eat the pizza and cake offered to me! I'm AWFUL and feel awful for it now. Why can't I remember how I'm feeling right now when the pizza and cake are offered to me. I feel like a huge whale and just wanna hide. I eat when I'm stressed or worried and this past week has been full of it. Enough about me, CONGRATS for maintaining and NOT eating the pizza and cake! What a great motivation you are to me! :)

Anonymous said...

Aw man, that BITES! You did so very good to say No to pizza and cake. You go!