In my little corner of the bloggy world, I enjoy participating in Thursday Thirteen and my very own Tell All Tuesday after I weigh in on Tuesday mornings at Weight Watchers. This blog is all about my family and my daily joys and struggles, but mostly about my two darling children. Kirstyn is 4 and James will be 1 next week! I am trying to be more open about my journey to loosing 100 lbs so that I can get some encouragement (and I have found lots out there in the bloggy world)!
I love blog parties and meeting new bloggers. I am planning to really party this week as there are all kinds of parties going on right now! Well and I just have to admit that I am also partially motivated by all of the amazing giveaways! And speaking of contests.... click on this link and VOTE for Normal to Natalie in the picture contest and leave a comment because you could win a prize too!
Hope to see you at one or both of these parties!

Nice to 'meet' you! I just surfed in from Mommyfest. I hope to get to know you and am off to take a read of your blog.
Heather @ Maternal Spark.
Hi Natalie! I'm here, sorta new reader - the last couple weeks. :o) It's cool to me to meet another Dallas-area blogger.
Hi Natalie - I'm sooo glad you stopped by my blog only so I could come to yours!! I love love the design and love what you have to say. I totally dig the weight thing - we could talk for hours on that! Can't wait to get to know you better!!
Hi there!
Stopping in via Mommyfest blog party!!
C'mon over and say hi! Little Rock Star
Happy Blogging!!
Stopping by from mommyfest to say hi! I love me some blog parties too!
Great blog - coming back to visit again!
Have fun and stop by when you have a few minutes.. Don't forget to enter the giveaway!
Glad you're here my dear.
Hi Natalie, I found you through the scrapbooking party. I can so identify with you, I am on a mission to lose 100 ponds as well, and I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 14month old. I'll visit again.
Hi, stopping by in the MommyFest party. Kinda like a giant open house, isn't it?
Hi from CT & Mommy Fest!
All these interesting terms - Thursday 13, Monday Monday...where do ya'll come up with all those? New to blogging here!...nice to meet you!
Stop by & visit me!
Cindi @ Moomettesgram's Musings
It is so nice to meet you. I really like your blog design. You have all of my favorite colors!!
Have fun at the party.
Hi Natalie! I came over from the scrapbooking party links. I'm a mother of 3 kiddos - 6, 3, and just turned 1 - and my husband and I just started working on losing weight too. He is hoping for 100 pounds, and I'm thinking 80-90. I'm bookmarking your site so I can come back!
It's nice to learn a little about you. I am just stopping by from Mommyfest to say hi. Have a wonderful day.
Saw your blog on Scrapping Servant for National Scrapbooking Month :)
It's great to meet you and I love the quote on your blog true!
Have a great day!
Lisa aka TheScrapPrincess
Hi Natalie,
Dropping by from Mommy Fest. Nice to meet you. I'm not sure if you have had a chance to stop by my blog yet but you might be interested in my weight loss/fitness site and blog that I posted about in my Mommy Fest intro post. I have been on my new lifestyle journey since 2005 and definitely know the struggles. Hope you'll stop by.
Nice to meet another scrapper! Hope you've enjoyed the blog party! C'mon by Wani's World sometime!
Nice to meet you! I found you through scrapping servant. Looking forward to meeting more new people. I also do Thursday Thirteen.
Happy scrapping and blogging! I'm a big fan of both. I also participated in both parties you mentioned here. :)
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