I mentioned earlier that we were having a big get-together this weekend at my mom's house. Well, I thought I would tell you more about my family's mother's day traditions. Mother's Day is decoration Sunday at the cemetery where my great grandparents and much of their family is buried. Every year on Mother's Day Sunday, my family would load up and drive around 45 minutes to the cemetery to put flowers on the graves. This is where I would be reminded that I was named after my great grandmother Estella. I would always pick a pretty flower to put on her grave. Then we would all go back to my great aunt's house for a HUGE lunch feast! Anyway, this year we are expecting around 15 family members to drive around 8 hours from their home in Tennessee for the tradition so we are having them all over to my mom's on Saturday to be able to spend more time together. I thought I would get my mom to scan and email me some pictures of me at decoration as a little girl but that would require 'scanner' training over the phone and it would also require my mom to take a break from her preparations for the weekend. Maybe next week I will do a post of 'then' and 'now'! The other thing that excites me about this weekend is the chance to take another 4 generation picture with my grandmother, mom, Kirstyn and I. We took one right after Kirstyn was born and I haven't even thought about taking another one until I went on a mission to find a picture for this post!

The mom's over at Mommies United are having a little contest in honor of Mother's Day. Well, I tried to think of something clever to present but I have almost run out of time and still don't have a great idea, so I thought I would show you this picture I took of Kirstyn and James not too long after we brought him home from the hospital! The look on Kirstyn's face says how I feel much of the time....."UH OH, NOW WHAT!" Well, that is much of what motherhood means to me. I look to my heavenly father with the same look of desperation for some help from above when faced with a challenge from my children. What do you do when presented with a new challenge?

"Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray." Psalm 5:2.
Happy Mother's Day!

I love that picture of the 4 generations. How wonderful.
And Kirstyn and James together - so precious! Obviously he has changed but she has grown up SO much too! Wow!
beautiful post!
Happy Mother's Day!
Have a great weekend with the big gathering, it sounds like fun to me:-)
Newsletter Questions
1. San Antonio / Sea World
2. Changing to compact fluorescent light bulbs
Shelley H.
Natalie - I'm posting this here because my emails to you about this keep getting returned.
Happy Mothers Day! I love both photos - wonderful!
Too cute! Happy Mother's Day!
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