07 September 2008

Our Walk in the Park

Thank you so much to those that supported us as a family in A Walk In The Park. David and I together raised $170. Not a bad total considering we signed up rather last minute for the walk. We will definitely be a part of this walk next year and will plan to sign up earlier and work harder at our fund raising.

We had so much fun and just look at the fun group of walkers that we joined!

I wish I could have gotten at an angle where you could see James' face. He was just standing there babbling to Taz like they were best friends. He was also all for giving '5s' to all of the characters while Kirstyn was on a mission to get lots of hugs!

After the walk Six Flags and Chick-Fil-A served us a very nice breakfast and they gave away lots of door prizes! I won a t-shirt/hoodie pair and David won a free 6X8 photo from one of the Kodak stands in the park (we will probably try to get a good picture at Holiday in the Park). Later in the day we also got to ride a few rides and enjoy some of the Best Of Texas Festival foods!



Tracy said...

So glad ya'll had a good time. It looks like it wasn't too hot!

Unknown said...

great pictures and way to go!

Jen said...

Natalie - thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself! And congratulations on how well you've done so far in your 100 pound weight loss goal. I am excited to participate in this "event" and am READY to be hot for the holidays.

In checking out your blog, I am impressed with your family's involvement in this charity/fundraising run. What a great way to teach your kids what is important.

Looking forward to getting to know you better in the coming months.


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

YAY for you guys! And your kids. Adorable!

briy said...

Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could find my way over to yours. Your kids are adorable! He looks just like my nephew. :) And I second what Jen said... getting the whole family involved in fundraising events is so cool.

And congratulations on your success so far! That's WONDERFUL! I just noticed that you were offering your favorite Christian fiction book as a raffle prize to donors (I'm sorry I didn't find your blog in time to donate). I'm curious... what is your favorite? :)

Unknown said...

Wow, it looks and sounds like it was a great success! What a wonderful thing. Maybe we can participate next year...