That means I am down 8.6 lbs in the past 5 weeks! I am doing this. I am being successful. I am getting healthy! I could not do this without your support! (leave me comments please!)
There are 15 weigh ins between now and Christmas. I am on a quest to lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks. Join me, you can lose 15 lbs in the next 15 weeks and be a whole size smaller for the Holidays! For a little extra motivation I have joined a blog challenge called Hot for the Holidays! I am so excited to find more people out there in blog land that are on this weight loss journey. And maybe just maybe I will win a prize or two! Join me!
On a side note, I may be doing this but I should give some credit where credit is due. First, I should say that prayer works! Prayer has helped me develop some much needed self control and self discipline. (Those two are different... Self Control helps me not eat a donut when it is in front of me and Self Discipline is what makes me get up off of my butt and go to the gym.) Also, I need to thank my friend Rachael for encouraging me to go to WW in the first place. I never would have considered it had it not been for her encouraging me!
WOOO-HOOOO!!!! Congratulations on the AWESOME work you are doing!! :) Keep it up!!
I am proud of you, I think you are amazing and keep up the good work!
Hot for the Holidays is exactly what you will be!!!
Way to go, my little hottie!! I love you, and am very proud of you. Win us some prizes!!!
awesome job!!! 20 pounds is totally do-able!! at this rate, you're gonna knock it out of the park! so glad you joined us!!!
Dang, I can't believe how well you're doing...I've always heard those last few pounds are the hardest, but you're just doing better all the time. HOT for the holidays!
Great job, I don't need to lose any weight but I like the idea! Congrats on your progress so far!
Rockin' weigh in lady!!! What a great loss. I'm gonna check out that challenge after I'm done all my stuff today.
YAY NATALIE!!!!!! That ROCKS!!!!!! I am so excited for ya!!!!!
I am thinking maybe I should join this Hot for the Holidays thing. I would think I'd be able to manage 6 pounds in 15 weeks! MAYBE! LOL
I think you are right: Self discipline is what makes you keep up the hard work. Self control is what keeps you from trashing your hard work you have already accomplished! :)
WTG Natalie! That's awesome. I'm sure you'll have no problem reaching your goal by Christmas.
YEHAW Natalie! You are on it and will do it. Of that I have no doubt!
Hot for the should be Hotter for the Holidays. You already hot girl!
Wow - congratulations, Natalie! That is awesome! I am hoping to be able to announce something like that soon.
Congrads on your weight lost :)
I'm sure that you will be able to reach your X'mas goal
This is great news! Toot Toot for you. I can't wait to begin my journey.
Wow, you are doing incredible!!!!! I joined Hot for the Holidays as well and can NOT wait to go around and meet more people who are on the same journey as me!
Now, I just gotta find out which link of yours is the dietician for the biggest loser! I'm just so excited! I have my DVR set to record them all and then I work out as I watch the show after the kiddos go to bed! YAY!
Keep up the great work!!!
Natalie, Thanks for the comment on my blog. I should actually put your site in my side bar - you are one of few I had put in my favourites instead (not sure why I did it that way). Anyhoo - I've been meaning to comment on you blog design and the designs you do for others. I have to learn how to do that someday. Have fun during the holidays. I have some links to holiday planning blogs at the bottom of my blog. I pull them up every holiday. It really helped me last year - I actually lost over Christmas break. I'm sure you'll do great.
Keep up the good work. Also, thanks for all of the encouragment in my quest to say goodbye to these extra pounds.
Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep it up!
WOW! You totally rock! Sorry, it's taken me so long to get over here. I've been having internet issues. Anyways, you're doing incredible and you are such a motivation to me! Keep it up!
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