This past weekend, James really started talking more. He is now constantly saying LOOK! He started it because my Dad spent time showing James fun things like tractors and cows and telling him, "James, LOOK!"
We spent much time this weekend on tractors. At the HooRah Days festival we went to they had a section of antique tractors for the kids to check out. Then, my Dad was putting hay in the barn from the pasture right by the house so all of the kids got turns riding with him and "helping". So, in conclusion, for my Thursday Thirteen, here are 13 tractor pictures!
I think you can "hear" James making his tractor noises in that first picture! You should also know that now that Kirstyn knows that a tractor can be painted pink she is on a campaign for Pappy to paint one of his tractors pink. Daddy said it was pretty hard to drive the tractor on the ride that James and Bryton took together. He said those boys were focused and determined to touch every single leaver and button inside the tractor. I can't believe that was the best picture I got of Carter and Austin (my cousin's boys) on the tractor. I am just glad that Austin finally agreed to go on the ride with his brother.
So, what about you... do you have any fun childhood farm memories to share with me?
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted! View More Thursday Thirteen Participants

I wanted a tractor when I was a little boy but my parents wouldn't buy me one. Some silly excuse about how we couldn't have one in a third floor flat!
me think the pink one was so cool!!!
We used to get to ride in the back of my uncle's truck on the way from my Granny's house in town, out to the farm, about 9 miles away. Can you EVEN imagine anyone doing that now???
Oh and then when we got to the farm us kids loved to ride on the tail gate - even better! : )
Love all the tractor pics!
Oh my...Caden would have LOVED those tractors!!! A boys dream come true!!!
Kirstyn looks so cute all dressed in pink on that pink tractor and I can definitely "hear" James driving the tractor! I hadn't even thought to ask my dad to let Alex ride the tractor... Maybe Alex will have to ask next time we go for a visit :) the pink tractor. :D
So glad you found me. I came to pay you a visit too. Small world, we just put up 1/2 a beef at the same time and my 2 kids are 4 and 18 months similar to the ages of your children. Both girls though. I see that you have lost 64 pounds. AWESOME!!!!!! I will come visit you again. Love the pics of the tractors.
I spent a lot of time with my Dad at his parents farm when I was a kid. My favourite part was riding around in the combine or tractor with my dad..
But it they had been pink, EVEN better!
Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love to "meet" fellow Razorbacks!! I don't really have any farm memories, but Lucy's grandpa runs a John Deere store and she LOVES to go and visit him to see the tractors.
Your kids have one on me...I've never been on a tractor!
Pink Kristyn on the pink tractor is too great! Love the first photo, too.
i have the weirdest obsession with tractors LOL!
My little boy LOVES tractors. He would have had a fabulous time getting up on those!
That pink tractor it hot! I need it in my front yard!
The pink one rocks! By the way, that is cool that your sister is moving to Stephenville. That is where I grew up and hope to move back some day.
Notice how chicks gravitate to the pink one!!! It looks like the kids were having a ball. Thanks for dropping by my blog on my SITS day. Your blog is beautiful! And I love your signature design!
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