28 October 2008

Bloggy Giveaway!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

I have been playing in photoshop and I have learned how to make digital silhouettes. What do you think?

I think it will look really great framed in a solid black frame and hung on my wall!

Would you like to win a custom silhouette image for yourself? Leave a comment on this post and I will use Random.org on Nov 1st to choose a winner. If you are chosen, I will notify you by email. Please make sure I have a way to contact you! Also, you will then have to email me some pictures to use to make your silhouettes. I will work with you until you are happy with the creation. I will then email you our finished high resolution image. You can then print as many as you would like for yourself and family or friends! Since I will be "shipping" the finished product via email, my giveaway is open to everyone!

Okay, ready, set, COMMENT! And if this is your first visit to my blog, please take a moment and look around. I post about everything that makes up my version of Normal. I am currently working very hard to lose 100 lbs while I am raising my 17 month old son and almost 5 year old daughter and supporting my husband as he builds our insurance agency from the ground up. Please stay a while and get to know me or come back next week after you are finished entering all of the great giveaways over at the bloggy carnival that is going on this week.

***If you don't win, but would still like one of these for yourself, feel free to email me (charge will be $20 via paypal)...I could use some Christmas money!***



Bailey's Leaf said...

What a really cool thing! Thank you so much for offering it!

art and nature *at* juno [dot] com

Unknown said...

I am acutally making individual silhouettes of my girls but would love one of all three together. Pls. enter me!

iheartbowheads.blogspot.com said...

oh I would love love love this!!!!!!



Elizabeth F. said...

This would be fabulous! I love silouettes.

efuson_2000 at yahoo dot com

Sarah W. said...

How awesome!! I love it!!!!!

My email is sarahw56 (at) gmail.com

Thanks :)

Jennifer said...

Really neat! Thanks for the chance!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Susan said...

i have been thinking of doing this for a holiday card - so cool! Thanks for offering!


ali said...

that's really neat! what a cool giveaway. thanks

Unknown said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Thanks for the giveaway! All the best with your weight loss goal!

Amber said...

Please enter me - thanks!

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

How creative!

Come enter my Amazon giveaway!

Andria said...

I think they look great. Sign me up please!! Thanks.

Marie said...

They look wonderful!


Christina said...

Wow, Natalie, that's too cool! Enter me please!!! And, would you be interested in offering these for my photography clients? Send me an e-mail if you're interested and we'll talk!!

Trish said...

These seems fun. I'd love one of my daughter!

shelburns said...

I love this! Please enter me!

shelcows at gmail dot com

rccalyn said...

Very cool!
-Stacy (slwilkins05@yahoo.com)

Sarah said...

That's so cute! I'd love this.

Anonymous said...

I would love this; I have an old one of my daughter from about 6 years aglo - I need a new one!! Thanks for the giveaway!

the schros said...


fortyb4forty said...

I would love on of my boys. Glad to find your blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I would and how I would! I've hit the jackpot (sort of) with this giveaway as I adore silhouettes. We just moved into a CapeCod and keeping with the style, I have decided I want silhouettes of my boys framed.
Hey! I just noticed that you are a SITSter! Betcha beat me there in the morning!

Thanks so much for the chance; I very much admire anyone that has the tenacity to fiddle with the everso daunting Photoshop!

Lisa said...

Way to go on deciding to lose weight, I was doing the same and well I am now pregnant LOL.
I would love to win.

kamewh said...

I would love one of these!

Thank you for the great giveaway!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jo Ann said...

What a great idea and giveaway, thanks! I would love to have one of my three kids!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

I love this one of your kids! Did you give up on me??

my kids are so uncooperative for photos it kills me!

Tarasview said...

very nice :)

Anonymous said...

How neat! I'd like a silhouette of my teenage daughter.



Anonymous said...

You sound like an amzing wife and mother!
Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

You are a magician of sorts...dear lady! I would love a silhouette of my son and his dog.

Silhouettes are the art of shining a special light, yours comes from within, to offer such a precious personal gift.


crystal said...

These are so sweet.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic prize. I would love to have this done with my 3 childrens pictures. Thanks for the great giveaway. ecghick@yahoo.com

Suzie Williams said...

Nice job! I'd love one of my daughter. Thank you for the giveaway!

LollyBlue said...

So cute!

Kathy - mom of many said...

That looks adorable! I love silhoettes.


Anonymous said...

How cute! A great giveaway!

Mommy 2 Monkeys said...

That's really neat. I'd love to win and get my daughter's silhouette done.

Anonymous said...

SUPER cool! I'd love to have one with my 3 kids' silhouettes

HeatherLow said...

Nice, Thanks for the giveaway.
poncey76 at hotmail dot com

cvdmvega said...

this is such a cool give away...I like the post on Obama and kids...we are for McCain but as I told the kids after dd12 got into a lively debate at a gathering...I would rather that all the kids...she was with the Jr group from church...have a strong opinion with facts than to have no opinion at all...I like a lively debate...my brother in law and I have spent many a night on the phone debating the issues...the most I have spoken to him in 5 years...LOL

thanks for the great give away...

Unknown said...

This is a really cool idea I'd love to have one!

Becca said...

I would be so excited to win this, thanks!

Kirby McCauley said...

These look great I would love to win!!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Love it!

lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net

Krista said...

I would love to get one of these of my son to match the set of my husband and his sister that my in-laws have!
teacherkrista at gmail dot com

Cindy B.of Montana said...

These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing via the giveaway. And good luck on your weight loss...it is a very hard thing to do!

Ginny said...

How cool!

Anonymous said...

thanks...this is such a cute prize. Hope to win so i can silhouette-ize my kids.


Kate in Austin said...

Congrats on your continued weight-loss. I like the silouettes.

Ren said...

Looks great! Wish I was photoshop savvy.