01 May 2009

Fat Fighting Friday - W14

Down 1.8! Yahoooooo! I am also now only 10 lbs from making lifetime at Weight Watchers! Finally, it feels a little more like a goal that is within my reach! Also that is 5.8 down on my 20 in 20 goal. Only 6 weeks to go so I probably won't make it but at least I can say I didn't give up or quit!

One of the trainers at the gym worked on my diet for me and it is now much cleaner! He said something to me when I made a comment that I thought I was eating clean but not seeing a loss even though I am exercising all of the time. He said "clean is relative". And that is soooooo true. I probably would have told you a year ago that I was eating clean but MY definition of 'clean' eating keeps changing. After a week eating according to his 'clean' I can say that I have kicked my sugar cravings for the first time in my life!

In other news, Christina is a photoshop miracle worker! Thanks to her, Shamu is now the only whale in the picture! Now I wish I had that shirt in purple...it looks great! Thanks again girl.



Unknown said...

omg natalie, i am so proud of you, it is amazing to be soo close to goal...and i have all the faith in you that you will maintain beautifully!!!

Love the purple on you and NOW it is the perfect picture. :D

Sab said...

Way to go! That is awesome! And you are almost at your goal... I think you could lose 1 lb a week! Go for it!

Love the picture, and purple looks good on you!

iheartbowheads.blogspot.com said...


Dawn Mabry said...

WOOT!!! So exciting. Yes, be proud that you did not give up. THAT would have been the only way you would not get to your goal. Keep it up one little bitty pound at a time.

Unknown said...

YAY for your loss!! Of course it's been a while since I've seen you in person so I bet you look wonderful. Maybe at the birthday party we'll actually see each other! ; )

Love the adjusted pic!

Unknown said...

yay! I'm glad for you Natalie!

Christina said...

Yay! I'm so proud of you for keeping at it and breaking that plateau! That's an awesome loss, and you should feel great for being so close to your big goal!

Glad the pic made you happy. Hehe! :)

kristy mae said...

The photo looks great!
Yes, you will meet your goal even if it's not the specific # you were looking for. You will still be healthier - and smaller!

Cheryl said...

Yay!!!!! That is a fantastic accomplishment Sounds like you have embraced a whole new lifestyle. The weight will stay off now, I guarantee. You look awesome.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Yeah girl! I knew you could do it! Eating clean is relative, I think I need a re-adjustment too...Easter chocolate has snuck into my diet a little bit more than it should have ;)

Keep at it, before you know it you will be lifetime!

Nita said...

Congrats Natalie! You are my inspiration. I officially joined weight watchers on April 25th. I Lost 4.8lbs my first week, but my weakness is definitely sugar. Please let me in on your secret.
Love ya girl!

Jaimee said...

Go Natalie! That is too funny about the shirt - when I first looked at the first picture, I thought - who is that pregnant girl?? Christina did a good job fixing the shirt!

Anonymous said...

As one who needs to lose about 100 pounds I follow your blog for your weight loss updates--I love before and after shots and you are almost there! Would you mind posting what your trainer meant by eating clean?