11 November 2008

Tell All Tuesday - Week 31

I lost for the fifth week in a row! Down 1.8 today!!! That puts me at 17 down in the past 14 weeks. 20 in 20 here I come! Today is Kirstyn's 5th Birthday but this post is about me...I will probably write another one about her later today. I realized that 5 years ago today I was more than 100 lbs heavier than I am today (of course I did have a 9lb 4oz baby girl inside of me). I can't decide if I am more embarrassed that I ever got that fat or more proud that I can even say that.

Now I have a prayer request. I am not feeling very well today. My stomach is bothering me and I don't know if I just have a virus or if it is my Crohn's Disease acting up. Please pray that either way, I will get to feeling better fast. Thanks!!!



Christina said...

Proud. You should be proud, not embaressed! You're going to make your goal with time to spare. Wow!

Happy birthday, K!

Stacy said...

You definitely should be proud! Happy Birthday Kirsten!! I hope you get to feeling better, I'll be thinking about you.

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

You must be proud! That is an amazing feat won only through hard work and dedication.

I was talking about birthing a 9lb 4oz baby BTW!

The weight loss is equally amazing.

Praying for you, no fun feeling awful on your baby's birthday :)


Anonymous said...

You are so close that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


and you should be more proud that you have taken off the weight...because THAT is a much harder task than putting it on. :) Less fun too, but you knwo what I mean.

Unknown said...

ps, happy birthday kirstyn

Jaimee said...

Congrats on your week!! You are amazing...hope you feel better soon! My FIL has Chron's I know how hard it can be...

Kate in Austin said...

Congratulations Natalie. You inspired me and I joined WW today. I even talked about your weight loss with the leader.

Rebeka said...

Don't worry about the past. You are working so hard right now you have SO much to be proud of! You should definitely be proud of yourself. Besides, who knows how many people you can help in the future who want to lose weight but feel it's too hard. I'm definitely super proud of you I just tear up every time I read one of your stories. I miss being around you. I'm getting all mushy now. Congratulations on the 17 in 14! You're totally gonna get your 20 in 20!!!!

Kate in Austin said...

I really don't remember how I found your blog. Did you have the Blogaversary button on your blog for awhile? I think maybe I had gone to blogiversary, clicked on someone's blog there, and then they had you on their links. I found you and have watched your progress on WW. We are in Austin.

Tracy said...

You are doing great. I think you are most definitely going to hit 20in 20 and probably even MORE!

Kim said...


Doran & Jody said...

You go girl!! And I hope you get feeling better!
I have a friend with Crones. Nasty stuff.

Unknown said...

Hope you're feeling better by now. Also hope you had wonderful birthday celebrations.

Has it been 30 weeks already??? Wow. I'm proud of you...you are doing awesome! Congrats on another great loss.